Gospel of “One Day Two Practices Three Chantings Health Dharma”
March 1 , 2009 GHMZ Information Website

In the “Dharma Vanishing Era”, even the highly developed civilization cannot prevent the frequent disasters, plagues, tragic accidents and unpredictable climate, and the rage of devils. There are groups of predestined coming to the majestic Palace of Kshitigarbha Bodhisattva (God of the Earth) from different directions. They have heard Guang Huan Mi Zong Mahasandhi (Great Perfection) Supreme Dharma long time ago and come for the dharma practice and conversion. In the grand Hall, the World-honored One Master Ziguang Shang Shi proclaims the teachings in different dharma conventions to adapt to different needs of different sentient beings.
Great News that cause Sensation to the World
At the beginning of the Chinese New Year of 2009, in order to relieve sentient beings of Six Realms from sufferings and unlimited afflictions, and reach the other shore of enlightenment, the World-honored One Master Ziguang Shang Shi announced the almsgivings of “One Day Two Practices Three Chantings Health Dharma” to the public for the first time! Master Ziguang Shang Shi was sitting on the altar of grand mandala, emitting billions of great light and looking with his merciful eyes at the disciples, who were longing for the profound teachings from the Master.
The World-honored One proclaimed solemnly, “In order to speed up the salvation of the earth and the predestinated sentient beings in the world, “One Day Two Worships Three Practices Health Dharma” will be imparted in this world for free as an almsgiving!” At that instant, hundreds and thousands of subtle sounds were making, and delicate flowers were raining. The Gospel that benefited all the sentient beings was disseminating in the whole Dharma Realm; immeasurable Buddha Lands were quaking and immeasurable Buddhas, Bodhisattvas from all directions, Gods, Nagas and the eight Groups were all praising with great delight! All the disciples were extremely inspiring when heard this great announcement! They were filled with the greatest delight and deeply touched to tears. They all kneed down and kowtowed with gratitude for the deep compassion of the World-honored One. The people in the world would have enormous beneficence since then! This news that caused great sensations spread to each corner of the Eastern world…
The First Significant Almsgiving
In the Great Dharma Convention on February 7, 2009, in order to fulfill the need of the followers who longed for the Righteous Dharma and made devoted conversion, the great World-honored One Master Ziguang Shang Shi imparted the supreme “One Day Two Practices Three Chantings Health Dharma” as an almsgiving for the first time! The sky was crystal clear on that day, the Five Great Buddhas and Bodhisattva from Ten Directions blessed the destined land where the Eastern Temple of the God of Earth located. The gate of the Temple was wide open to welcome the hundreds of predestined people from different places of the world. The great hall was crowded by these people who were eagerly waiting for Master Ziguang Shang Shi’s illumination.
When Master Ziguang Shang Shi appeared as if the sun brightened the Hall, he emitted immeasurable light that illuminated the entire world. The World-honored One instructed the followers who were from far away the practical dharma of the Nine-Tier Esoteric Dharma and told them about health and wealth, which they were most concerned about it. The most extraordinary remarks all showed wisdom and the sense of humor as well. All the exciting stories contained meaningful teachings of truth and inspired the devoted followers who came for the dharma! They applauded for the sound of Buddha, which was never heard before! The Dharma of Guang Huan Mi Zong came from the Mahavairocana Buddha, and only the secret code given by the Master could communicate with the message to acquire the light and the energy. Just as what Master Ziguang Shang Shi told the people in the world, when practicing the dharma, they must do good deed, and they must save themselves as there was no savior in the world…
One Day Two Practices Three Chantings Health Dharma
One Day Two Practices Three Chantings Health Dharma is imparted for free on a splendid noble red Dharma Felt by Master Ziguang Shang Shi; it is derived from the Nine-Tier Mahasandhi (Great Perfection) Supreme Dharma. It is the will of the Five Great Buddhas and the request of the Bodhisattvas from Ten directions. It is the path of hope heading towards life for the people, and helps them to be benefited from Buddhism Dharma in a short period of time, to improve their health condition rapidly, and to explore their wisdom. It also let the people understand that they have the competency to save themselves if their practice the Dharma in the proper way. The most supreme part of this Dharma lies in its expeditious effect and practical cultivation without any differentiation of countries, races, skin colors, languages, religions, politics, genders, ages, or city or countryside!
From now on, thousands of Guang Huan Mi Zong Angels will undertake the majestic red Dharma Felt and convey One Day Two Practices Three Chantings Health Dharma in different places. With the sacred bestow of light by the Five Great Buddhas and the Bodhisattvas from Ten Directions, this practical Dharma that can relieve diseases and sufferings, dissipate evils, remove disasters and change the fortune, will facilitate the progress of world peace and human health, and spread to each corner of the world from the Palace of Kshitigarbha Bodhisattva. It is foreseeable that millions of Redness will cover millions of Lands soon!