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After the sensation caused by Master Ziguang Shang Shi’s Dharma Convention in Toronto, the people who crowded to attend the Gratuitous Treatment eagerly applied to enroll in the Health Dharma Class. They all admired the strong, precise Dharma Power of Master Ziguang Shang Shi, and were moved by his merciful instruction. During the class, Master Ziguang Shang Shi woke up the dreaming sentient beings by ringing the bell: “Wake up! Wake up! Don’t be dreaming anymore!” He illuminated that they should cast aside the attachment of the hearts. Then the merciful Master Ziguang Shang Shi gave his Buddha light blessing as almsgiving to the participants. Feeling the extremely powerful blessing, the students were cheerfully applauding! Some students’ tumors disappeared immediately when the class finished. They all knelt down to Master Ziguang Shang Shi with great joy and gratitude. After Master Ziguang Shang Shi’s Gratuitous Treatment to the predestinated sentient beings by himself, he asked his disciple Preacher Shan Ming to preach Dharma for the students. Some students saw the miraculous golden-purple light radiating from her hands when she was preaching. On the stage, the predestinated sentient beings could not wait to share their gratitude for the protection from Master Ziguang Shang Shi’s golden-purple light. Here are some students’ thank-you letters: Meijuan Li: I was bothered by stomach disorders. No matter what I eat or drink, I would keep belching. I felt very uncomfortable without belching. So I always worried that I might die if I could not belch out. But after I attended the Dharma Convention, I didn’t belch at all in the last two days! I was very happy about it. Another problem was that I couldn’t sit on the ground, otherwise I would catch a cold. But last night, I sat on the ground for the whole night without any discomfort! It was amazing! Thank you Master Ziguang Shang Shi! Yao Jin: After the car accidence in June last year, my neck and right arm were hurt and not able to move smoothly, and my hearing was injured. At the beginning of the Dharma Convention, I didn’t believe too much about it, but went there for donating for the relief of Sichuan earthquake in China. But on the first day when I attended the Health Dharma Class, I felt the powerful blessing of Master Ziguang Shang Shi. My brain became so relaxed and clear! My lower limb used to be always cold. Without friction it would not be warmed up. But it was different now, just a bit swollen and sour after the Convention. But after practicing last night, the swollen feeling disappeared today! I had headache before. During the practice in these two days, my head was turning with the music. Today the headache has totally gone! I never got such great effect through physiotherapy in the past one year. The muscles of my right leg were atrophied. On the first night of practicing, I was too painful to cross my legs. I had to use my left leg to bolster myself and to the end. On the second day, my legs were not numbed any more, and the pain was relieved. Now I can sit with legs crossed! I really appreciate Master Ziguang Shang Shi! Gang Qu: I really believe that Dharma can help people be freed from death. There is a formula – the theory of Einstein: lives can be extended infinitely, if you know the right way. I believe Master Ziguang Shang Shi can lead us to find the truth. That is my understanding. Zhiping She: In the third morning, I heard a bell ringing after I finished practicing and went back to bed. It seemed to remind me that, “Wake up! Wake up! Don’t waste your life anymore!” And today, when I was practicing, I saw the purple light entering my body from the right side. I felt some something stinging from my right shoulder to my spine, which was my sick area. The feeling was wonderful. I thank Master Ziguang Shang Shi for the blessing! How wonderful it was! Yalun Lin: I didn’t have any special feelings in the first three days, but today I have changed my mind. Everyone has his/her own karma, and has different level of understanding. My pace was slower. But eventually I understand the instruction of Master Ziguang Shang Shi – everything relies on the “heart”. If you could not let it go, you could not get it. Now I can feel the peaceful and purified realm, after I cast aside my attachment and confusion. I know my sufferings can be solved by Guang Huan Mi Zong. Thank you so much, Master Ziguang Shang Shi! Zhixiu Wang: I came here for my husband because he had many problems. But the good predestination made me stay here. I knelt down to Master Ziguang Shang Shi begging him to help my husband. Though I didn’t feel anything on the first day, I kept on practicing, following Master Ziguang Shang Shi’s advice. In the second day, I got up on time, with a feeling that someone woke me up. It was a miracle that when I finished my practicing, I opened my eyes on time! Yesterday I cried during the practice. I never cried like that for years! It seemed all my pains and sufferings were released. I got up on time at 6:00 this morning; it was impossible in the past. I felt very well, filled with energy all day long. Thank you so much, Master Ziguang Shang Shi! Jianping Xiao: I am old with all kinds of problems related with age, such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, high cholesterol, and gastritis, etc. My hip joint was hurt when I was working in the countryside. Later it became the problems of all the bones, since there was not a good medical condition in the rural area. I got a headache frequently, and I have chronic pharyngitis, which always made me weak. I saw the news of Master Ziguang Shang Shi’s coming to Toronto for preaching last week. And I was willing to try, so I made a call. I agreed with Master Ziguang Shang Shi’s words that medicine had side effects. But I could not stop taking them in the past! However, I followed Master Ziguang Shang Shi’s words and stopped taking medicine. But, truly as what Master said, my blood pressure became normal, and my stomachache disappeared! Thank you so much, Master Ziguang Shang Shi! Jue Wang: I came all the way from Waterloo to this Dharma Convention because I believed in Buddhism and believed that Master Ziguang Shang Shi could help me! I was very sick after a car accidence not long ago, suffering from headache and tinnitus. I could feel powerful energy flowing through my body when Master Ziguang Shang Shi was blessing me. My headache was relieved, and I was full of energy. Thank you so much, Master Ziguang Shang Shi! Xianghua Zhou: In 2004 I had a car accident, which resulted in my cervical vertebra problem, and my right hand became numb from time to time. I worked as a nurse, which had high pressure, and my right hand always felt tired. My mum was the one who attended this Dharma Convention, but since she has a bad memory, she asked me to come instead. Thank Preacher Shan Ming specially helped me catch up with the class. Last night, after practicing, I felt much more relaxed and my right hand was not tired anymore. These days I was leaving my position due to the high stress, but I think I can go back to work, after I practiced Guang Huan Mi Zong Dharma! Thank you so much, Master Ziguang Shang Shi! Students all wanted to go to the platform and share the benefit they got. Preacher Shan Ming urged them to keep practicing every day, and do good deeds. The students all listened to Preacher’s explanation carefully and excitingly. They all longed to attend the coming Conversion Convention, after they learned more of Guang Huan Mi Zong’s Supreme Dharma, knew the experience of preachers, and tried the Dharma by themselves! The preachers were deeply inspired by the students removing sufferings and back luck, and instantly becoming happy and optimistic! Everyone admires the Buddha Power of great merciful Master Ziguang Shang Shi! How great it would be, if all the predestinated sentient beings could board the Ship of Health and deliver from affliction! Everyone is expecting the principles of Guang Huan Mi Zong, which is promoting world peace and human health and happiness, erasing the disasters, prolonging the longevity of earth, can come true. |
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